Monday, February 16, 2009


It is hard to give it all to God. We want to fix ourselves, and become "perfect" before we present ourselves to our Creator. We, in our pride and selfishness, get so tangled up in "me" that we forget Who deserves the credit and when we do remember Him, it is often a quick prayer of want. Like, "Help me to do good today" or "Give me the victory." What we forget is when we become Christians, we give up ourselves. We become the body of Christ. I can't say how that happens. It is hard for me to believe, but I know it's true.

As Christians, we are called to live out our lives for Christ. We do our best. We realize that we aren't perfect and that we sin and we often quote Paul in Romans 7:15 as an excuse for our blunders. The problem, though, is that we keep on trying to improve. We keep working at it, working at it, trying to get good enough to please God. After all, we are His servants, right? We are supposed to make Him happy. In reality, though, we can do nothing of ourselves to make Him happy. Everything we do will be tainted with sin. Our very nature is sin and corruption and so there is nothing that we can do to make Him happy... except for one thing. That is give up, give in, stop trying. It's that simple. When we let go of the reins and let God take over, we make Him happy, and the funny thing is He will make us happy too!

May the love and joy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all!



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